For the most up to date photos and information, check us out on Instagram @salujalasermd

Check out Dr. Saluja's podcast "Just Laser It!...and all things Cosmetic". The episodes are brief yet full of info, and discuss a number of topics:  "Just Laser It!" podcast

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How does Kybella® eliminate a double chin?

Kybella is a minimally invasive, injectable treatment that eliminates submental fat, or a double chin. The injection contains deoxycholic acid, which naturally and painlessly breaks down fat cells.

Multiple tiny injections are used to destroy fat cells evenly. After your body eliminates the waste, your double chin is gone for good.


Saluja Cosmetic and Laser Center
9615 Northcross Center, Suite B

Huntersville, NC 28078
Phone: 704-584-4071
Fax: 704-584-4072

Office Hours

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