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Check out Dr. Saluja's podcast "Just Laser It!...and all things Cosmetic". The episodes are brief yet full of info, and discuss a number of topics:  "Just Laser It!" podcast

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Sculptra (for face and body)


Just interested in learning more about Sculptra? CLICK HERE for a brief discussion of Sculptra!

To learn more about Fillers and Sculptra, listen to Dr. Saluja's podcast "Just Laser It!...and all things Cosmetic". It is brief yet very informative: Click Here for the latest on Sculptra and Fillers

Stimulate New Collagen with this Injectable

Over time, collagen loss in the face leads to the development of wrinkles and folds. There are many treatments available to smooth these wrinkles out, from injectables that relax muscles to those that add volume. Sculptra® at Charlotte's Saluja Cosmetic & Laser Center takes a different approach: It stimulates new collagen production to address the underlying source of the problem, not just the symptoms.

Dr. Raminder Saluja makes a wide variety of options available at her practice, giving patients guidance so they can receive the treatment best suited to meet their unique aesthetic needs. Sculptra® is ideal for patients who want to restore facial volume and improve the integrity of the dermis.

Request your consultation for Sculptra® in the Charlotte, NC, and Lake Norman area by calling 704.584.4071 or inquire online.


What is Sculptra®?

Sculptra® is what is known as an injectable poly-L-lactic acid, a substance approved by the FDA to replace lost collagen over time. The injectable contains microparticles that are absorbed by the body, which then begins to produce new collagen strands that ultimately provide more volume at the injection site, as well as smooth out unwanted wrinkles. The novelty of Sculptra® is that it allows your own body to stimulate the collagen to produce this effect.

For ideal results, patients typically need three to four separate injections, spaced apart over the course of several months. The exact number of injections needed depends on the patient and the degree of desired correction.

Sculptra® Benefits

This injectable is injected deep into the skin and intended to re-volumize the face while also reducing the appearance of several types of wrinkles:

  • Nasolabial folds, also known as smile lines, which form between the mouth and nose
  • Laugh lines, also known as marionette lines, which frame your mouth
  • Chin wrinkles, which tend to run horizontally below the lower lip
  • Also used in other areas of the body (i.e. buttock and hip dip)

As collagen levels increase in the skin, the unwanted lines will become increasingly difficult to see. Results can last for two years to three years, giving patients long-lasting smooth skin.

Sculptra® Safety, Risks, and Recovery

The beneficial component in Sculptra® is also used in dissolvable stitches. Patients aren’t required to get any allergy testing before a treatment session, and any questions or concerns can be addressed during the initial consultation.

Post-treatment, patients are instructed to massage the injected area five times per day for five minutes for five days. In the days after a session, patients may notice redness or swelling at the injection site, as well as possible tenderness, bruising, itching, or similar discomforts. These effects are common to a variety of injections and are expected to shortly resolve on their own.

Treatments Beyond Sculptra® in the Charlotte, NC, Area

While Sculptra® has a proven track record of success, it is not ideal for everybody. The Saluja Cosmetic & Laser Center team also offers Fillers, and injectable filler that uses a smooth gel to add volume to smooth out wrinkles in the mouth area. The related Voluma® changes facial contours by rounding out the cheeks and lifting sagging tissue on the lower face. BOTOX®, another popular injectable, relaxes muscles in the forehead and to the sides of the eyes to temporarily smooth out wrinkles there.



Saluja Cosmetic and Laser Center
9615 Northcross Center, Suite B

Huntersville, NC 28078
Phone: 704-584-4071
Fax: 704-584-4072

Office Hours

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